王喜昌 教授\博士
1994 .7-1999.7在中国科学院长春光学精密机械研究所获得博士学位
2001年-2006.9 烟台大学光电学院副教授
2006.9~现在 烟台大学光电学院教授
2009年获得山东省自然科学二等奖 (第二位)
1. Xichang Wang etc, “Light transport model in a n-layered mismatched tissue”,Waves in random and complex media,2006,Vol.16(2):121-135
2. Xichang Wang etc,“the infrared ray transport model of finite size flat beam intissue”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2007,vol.28(1):51-59
3. Xichang Wang etc,"The steady-state spatially resolved reflectance of a three-layered mismatched medium",the International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2005,Vol.26(3):433-440
4.Xichang Wang etc,Designed and study of a color sensitivity function,Color Research andApplication,2005,30(2):118-124
5. Xichang Wang,"The infrared ray transport in an n-layered matched skin",the International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2005,Vol.26(9):1195-1203
6. Xichang Wang,"the Study of the Diffuse Equation About a Three-Layered Matched Medium",the International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,2004,Vol. 25(10):1545-1552,
7. 王喜昌 “光在多层匹配生物组织中的时域传输模型”,光子学报,2006,Vol.35(7):1061-1065
8. 王喜昌(1),"平稳状态下匹配介质三层漫射方程的空间分辨漫反射",光学学报,2005,Vol.25(3):377-384
9. 王喜昌(1),"不匹配介质三层漫射方程的时间分辨漫反射",光学学报,2005,Vol.25(9):1254-1260,
10. 王喜昌 ,庞启,徐文军,杨尚明,王中训,基于线性滤波器的布拉格光纤光栅解调系统的稳定性,光学精密工程,2013,21(11):2785-2790
11. 王喜昌(1),光在多层不匹配介质中的稳态传输,光学精密工程,2006,Vol.15(5):656-661
12. Xichang Wang(1),The three-layered mismatched media diffusion equation in frequencydomain,SPIE,2006,Vol.6047:604707-1-604707-7
13. Xichang Wang (1),Color sensitive characteristic of CIE(X,Y,Z) Color Space, SPIE,2006,Vol.6033:60330B1-5
14. Xichang Wang(1),Color-sensitive characteristics of light source, SPIE, 2004,Vol. 5638,986-991
15. Xichang Wang,Design and study on color sensitive function of object, SPIE, 2003,Vol.4829:246-248
16. Xichang Wang (1),A new Method of determining the surface reflectance factor,SPIE ,2003,Vol. 4829:244-245
17. Xichang Wang (2),A new weight factor spectrophotometric computer color matching, SPIE,2005,Vol.5637:693-697
18. Xichang Wang(2),convex geometry analysis method of hyperspectraldata,SPIE,2003,vol.4897,371-375
19. Xichang Wang(4),The selection of inherent channels of hyperspectral data with volumemethod, SPIE, 2005,Vol.5637:642-648
20. Xichang Wang (4),The study of the proportion image of hyperspectral image, SPIE,2005,Vol.5637:635-641
21. 王喜昌(2),基于非线性滤波器的FBG解调系统的研究,光电子.激光,2013, Vol.24(11):2096-2101
22. Wang xichang,P3 equation steady-state model of light transport in semi-infinitethick rectangular medium,optik,204 (2020) 164138
23. X. Wang, Time domain transport equations of light in multilayered rectangular biological tissue with semi-infinite medium, OPTIK 154 (2018) 67–73.
24. X. Wang, The diffusion equation in multilayered rectangular biological tissuewith finite thickness OPTIK 180(2019)144–150.
25. Approximate P3 solution for the semi-infinite medium:steady state and time domain。Journal of BiomedicalOptics,vol.22(9):095003
1. 颜色光学方面:1)提出并创建了颜色灵敏函数,研究不同波长的变化对颜色的影响情况。2) 计算机配色:将颜色灵敏函数应用与计算机配色。
2. 光纤光纤:1)提出并创建了非线性滤波解调系统。非线性解调系统的温度解调系统的解调精度高于线性解调系统,2.提出并解决了传统的滤波解调系统中的系统稳定性。和传统的方法相比,系统具有很好的稳定性。3,首次在滤波解调系统中引入虚拟波长法。采用虚拟波长对温度进行解调时,可以不用对实际波长的变化进行标定而直接解调出FBG所处环境温度的变化,因而使定标大大简化。
3. 生物医学光学方面:根据辐射方程理论,建立了光在生物组织中传输的任意层次(n层)匹配介质和不匹配介质的稳态、频域和时域漫射方程的解析解。建立了辐射方程的三阶近似的P3方程,建立了光在单层、双层、任意多层介质中传输的P3方程稳态、时域的解析解。