吴世娥 博士
研究领域: 无线和移动通信理论与技术

办公地点: 钟楼3701
电子邮箱: wushie@ytu.edu.cn
研究方向: 密集边缘计算系统关键技术、密集小区网络能效优化、资源管理及干扰管理等
讲授课程: 《算法与数据结构》、《数据库原理与应用》、《移动通信网络规划课程设计》
2017 年7月至今, 在烟台大学从事教学与科研工作。
[1] Shie Wu, Rui Yin, Celimuge Wu. Heterogeneity-Aware Energy Saving and Energy EfficiencyOptimization in Dense Small Cell Networks[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 178670 – 178684.
[2] Shie Wu, Rui Yin, Ningfei Dong, Xia Liu. Heterogeneity-based Energy-efficient Transmissionin Dense Small Cell Networks[C]. 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and NetworkingConference (WCNC), 2020.
[3] Shie Wu, Zhimin Zeng, Hailun Xia. Coalition-based sleep mode and power allocation forenergy efficiency in dense small cell networks[J]. IET Communications, 2017, 11(11): 1662-1670.
[4] Shie Wu, Zhimin Zeng, Hailun Xia. Load-Aware Energy Efficiency Optimization in DenseSmall Cell Networks[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2016, 21(2): 366-369.
[5] Shie Wu, Fangfang Liu, Zhimin Zeng, Hailun Xia. Cooperative Sleep and Power Allocationfor Energy Saving in Dense Small Cell Networks[J]. IEEE Access, 2016, 4: 6993-7004.
[6] Shie Wu, Hailun Xia, Zhimin Zeng, Rui Han, Xi Chen, Wenqi Zuo. Joint Coloring-BasedResource Allocation and Power Reduction in Dense Small Cell Networks[C]. IEEE 80thVehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 2014: 1-5.
[7] Xiaolin Li,Shie Wu, Jiqu Han, Wenqi Wang. Fast Location Algorithm Based on an ExtendedSymmetry Nested Sensor Model in an Intelligent Transportation System[J]. IEEE Access,2018, 6: 21032-21041.
[8] Yingshi Li, Hailun Xia,Shie Wu, Chen Lu. Joint optimization of computing and radio resourceunder outage QoS constraint in C-RAN[C]. International Symposium on WirelessCommunication Systems (ISWCS), 2017: 107-111.
[9] Yingshi Li, Hailun Xia, Jinglin Shi,Shie Wu. Joint optimization of computing and radioresource for cooperative transmission in C-RAN[C]. IEEE/CIC International Conference onCommunications in China (ICCC), 2017:1-6.
[10] Lu Chen, Hailun Xia, Zhimin Zeng,Shie Wu. Joint merging overlapped virtual cells anddesigning beamforming in ultra dense network[C]. International Symposium on WirelessCommunication Systems (ISWCS), 2017: 170-174.
[11] Lu Chen, Hailun Xia, Chunyan Feng,Shie Wu. Clustering-based co-tier interferencecoordination in dense small cell networks[C]. IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium onPersonal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2015:1878-1882.
[12] Yalan Zhao, Hailun Xia, Zhimin Zeng,Shie Wu. Joint clustering-based resource allocation andpower control in dense small cell networks[C]. IEEE/CIC International Conference onCommunications in China (ICCC), 2015: 1-5.
[13] Xi Chen, Hailun Xia, Zhimin Zeng,Shie Wu, WenQi Zuo. User partitioning based resourceallocation and interference coordination in heterogeneous networks[C]. IEEE 25th AnnualInternational Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC),2014: 1104-1108.
[14] Xi Chen, Hailun Xia, Zhimin Zeng,Shie Wu, WenQi Zuo, Yao Lu. Energy-efficientheterogeneous networks for green communications by inter-layer interferencecoordination[C].International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications(WPMC), 2014: 70-74.