姜虹 副教授![](/__local/4/10/46/8E0AF8472050195B203E3E52A54_363F2DC2_1D698.png)
研究领域: 凝聚态物理
办公地点: 科技馆1402
电子邮箱: phyhjiang@ytu.edu.cn
研究方向: 凝聚态物质电子结构
姜虹,烟台大学光电信息科学技术学院副教授。2001年入山东大学物理与微电子学院物理基地班学习,2005年获得理学学士学位,2005年入山东大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业,硕博连读学习,2010年获得理学博士学位。2010年7月来烟台大学工作,现任烟台大学光电信息科学技术学院副教授。本人长期从事材料物性的理论建模和模拟计算,主要研究方向如下:(1)有机聚合物的磁特性,(2)极端条件下材料的物理化学性质。近年来,在J. Phys. Chem. C, Phys. Rev. B,Int. J. Hydrogen Energy等国际知名期刊上发表SCI学术论文20余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者7篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学项目一项,参与四项国家自然科学基金项目和两项山东省自然科学基金项目。获得山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学类三等奖,烟台大学优秀科研成果二等奖。山东物理学会会员。
1. 2017年,山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖,《金属氢化物物理性质的理论研究》,排名2/2
1. Kuan Cao, Xiao-Xue Qu,Hong Jiang, Yue-Hua Su, Chao Zhang*, and Gilles Frapper*,Pressure-induced Novel Stable Stoichiometries in Molybdenum-Phosphorus Phase Diagrams under Pressure,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123:30187
2. Xue-Ning Hu*,Jiang Hong, and Chao Zhang,The Zeno effect and relaxation rates in a triple quantum dot system,The European Physical Journal B, 2018, 91: 319
3. Xiao-Xue Qu, Kuan Cao,Hong Jiang, Yin-Chang Zhao, Zhen-Hong Dai, Yue-Hua Su, and Chao Zhang*,Mechanical anisotropy and ideal strength of ThBC,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2018,122: 203-209
4. Hong Jiang, Wei Dong, Xiao-Xue Qu, Kuan Cao,Yue-Hua Su, andChao Zhang*,Pressure dependent mechanical properties of calcium carbides,Ceramics International, 2018,44(7): 7429-7434
5. Hong Jiang, Xue-Ning Hu, Yin-Chang Zhao, and Chao Zhang*,Spin excitation under electron delocalization of side radicals in quasi-one-dimensional organic ferromagnetJournal of Electronic Materials, 2017, 46(2): 1005-1009
6. Chao Zhang, Lan Jie,Hong Jiang, and Yan-Ling Li*,Stable and Metastable Structures in Compressed LiC6: Dimensional Diversity,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120(19): 10137-10145
7. Wei Dong, Chao Zhang*,Hong Jiang, Yue-Hua Su, and Zhen-Hong Dai,Effect of carbon content and electronic strong correlation on the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of ytterbium carbides,RSC Advances, 2015, 5(125): 103082-103090
8. Chao Zhang*, Shu-Ping Guo,Hong Jiang, Guo-Hua Zhong, and Yue-Hua Su,Zero-point effects on phase transitions of thorium dihydride under high pressure,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(24): 13465-13471
9. Hong Jiang*,Chao Zhang,Xue-Ning Hu,Gui-Chao Hu,andShi-Jie Xie,Spin polarization of polaron in quasi-one dimensional organic system,Modern Physics Letters B,2015, 29(2): 1450266
10. Hong Jiang, Wei Wang,Chao Zhang*,Xue-Ning Hu, Guo-Hua Zhong, Xiao-Qing Lu, and Yue-Hua Su,Phase transitions of actinium dihydride: pressure-induced charge transfer driving effect,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014, 39(28): 15827-15835
11. Chao Zhang*, Zhi-Jian Li,Hong Jiang, Xue-Ning Hu, Guo-Hua Zhong, and Yue-Hua Su,Thermodynamic and mechanical properties of actinium and lanthanum dihydride,Journal ofalloys and compounds, 2014, 616: 42-47
12. Chao Zhang*,Hong Jiang, Hong-Liang Shi, Guo-Hua Zhong, and Yue-Hua Su,Mechanical and thermodynamic properties ofα-UH3under pressure,Journal ofalloys and compounds, 2014, 604: 171-174
13. Shi-Xuan Han,Hong Jiang, and Shi-Jie Xie*,Spontaneous spin polarization in organic thiophene oligomers,Organic electronics, 2014, 15(1): 240-244
14. Hong Jiang, Da-Wei Kang, Shi-Jie Xie*, and Avadh Saxena*,Effect of spin-flip scattering on current polarization in an organic spin filter,Organic electronics, 2011, 12(7): 1264-1270
15. Da-Wei Kang,Hong Jiang, Sun Zhen, Zhen Qu, and Shi-Jie Xie*,Magnetic field tuned charge transport in a G4-DNA molecular device,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011, 23(5): 055302
16. Hong Jiang, Gui-Chao Hu, and Shi-Jie Xie*,Effect of electron delocalization in quasi-one-dimensional organic ferromagnet,Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2010, 40(11): S299-S302
17. Da-Wei Kang, Zhen Qu,Hong Jiang, and Shi-Jie Xie*,Transverse electric field modulated tunneling magnetoresistance in a DNA molecular device,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12(3): 578-582
18. Hong Jiang, Gui-Chao Hu, Ying Guo, and Shi-Jie Xie*,Effect of spin excited states on electron transport through an organic ferromagnetic device,Organic Electronics, 2009, 10(5): 809-814
19. Jie Lei, Hai-Hong Li,Hong Jiang, and Shi-Jie Xie*,“Spin injection in an organic device with a spin polarized self-assembled monolayer”Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(38): 6008-6012